Slint – “Good Morning Captain” ( Spiderland, Touch & Go, 1991/1995) Jessamine - “Secret” ( Jessamine, kranky, 1994) Smashing Pumpkins - “Cherub Rock” ( Siamese Dream, 1993) Sebadoh - “Gimme Indie Rock” ( Gimme Indie Rock!, Homestead, 1991)Īrchers of Loaf - “Plumb line” ( Icky Mettle, Alias, 1993) Tim Hecker - “harmony in blue iv” ( Harmony in Ultraviolet, kranky, 2006) Labradford - “Listening in Depth” ( Prazision, kranky, 1993) Produced and mixed in Montreal, October 2022

Interview recorded between Urbana and Montreal, August 2022

(UTPress) Adams explains the unique conditions that put Chicago at the heart of the ‘90s indie rock scene, the emergence of the kranky aesthetic, and sings the praises of Labradford. Kranky co-founder Bruce Adams sits down to discuss his new book, You're With Stupid: kranky, Chicago, and the Reinvention of Indie Music.